Student Handbook » Student Employment

Student Employment

Frequently our students hold jobs after school hours during the school year. Studies have shown that grades drop drastically when students work more than fifteen (15) hours per week. We encourage parents to monitor their child’s work hours and his or her grades very carefully, remembering also that a full and well-rounded high school experience includes not only attendance during the school day, but also participation in the variety of co-curricular activities offered.
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Work Based Learning Opportunities
The Milford School District believes that our students are capable of attaining and maintaining employment within the community, and that within those positions they will become contributing members of the company.
In order to meet the goal of identification of post-secondary goals for our students, and to assure that each student is provided with the necessary strategies and opportunities for obtaining those goals, we believe that there is no singular strategy, curriculum or program that can provide for all of the individuals we represent. Rather, individualized assessment, job development, job placement and ongoing individualized review are necessary to assure that we optimize the strengths of each individual.
  1. Assessment - Career assessments including interpretation of student inventory results which are completed with each student at Project DRIVE.
  1. Job Development - Based upon student strengths, proficiencies, and parent and team feedback, the Job Coach will develop jobs for each student within the community. Considerations for job placement will include assuring the feasibility of the students being able to get to and from the job and accommodations in the job site that will allow the child to be as independent as possible will be made to the greatest extent possible prior to the job placement. 
  1. Job Placement - The Job Coach will work collaboratively with the student and employer to analyze the requirements of the position and the student’s proficiency in performing the job.Data will be utilized to determine instructional needs of the students and the job coach will teach skills necessary to perform the job as independently as possible. The establishment of natural supports within each job will be promoted as extensively as possible. A regularly scheduled meeting with the student, Job Coach and employer will be established to review job satisfaction and needs.
There are certain work based credit opportunities available for Project DRIVE student set up by the Job Coach. The following extended learning opportunities are available:
    • Independent Study - A program designed for students who are interested in pursuing learning on their own and in their own way. Important factors in approving a student for Independent Study are his/her self-directedness, dependability, conscientiousness, and sincerity in pursuing learning.
    • Community Service Learning - Integrates Community Service into the school curriculum. Service learning engages students in community based activities while they learn and practice workplace skills. Students are required to submit a Service Learning Application prior to starting any Project DRIVE supported Service Learning.
    • Work Study/Cooperative Education - A Career and Technical Studies program for students who, through a cooperative arrangement between the school and the student’s employer, receive career and technical education instruction through classroom and employment in a related field. Students are required to make an advanced Cooperative Education Application and have a designated faculty supervisor from a subject area.
    • Independent Internship - An unpaid experience that allows a student to use and develop technical and core workplace skills. Students work with an employer for a specified period of time gaining experience and knowledge of a particular industry or career. Students must submit an Internship Application and have a designated faculty supervisor and statement from their guidance counselor for approval. Seniors may also participate in a more formal and structured Internship program, Career Focus Internship.
    • Online/Virtual Education - Virtual/online classes are available through the Internet and provide students the flexibility of anytime, anywhere access of rigorous, personalized education. All online courses must be approved and comply with all federal and state statutes pertaining to student privacy and to public broadcasting of audio and video.